To promote, encourage, represent, and safeguard the legal interests/rights of the citizens, consumers, and all other deserving persons, including individuals, societies, trusts, corporates etc. To provide free legal counseling and aid to weaker & needy persons.
To promote & support educating the people, students etc., including but not limited to opening, finding & establishing, promoting, setup, running, maintaining, assisting, financing, supporting and/or maintaining and/or running schools, colleges, lecture halls, and other establishments or institutions for the advancement of education and or knowledge in arts, science literature, humanities and all other useful subjects in all their manifestations.
To grant, pay or give scholarships, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowance, books & stationary, and other financial assistance or help in cash or kind to students with a view to help them in persuading their studies in schools, colleges, educational institutions, technical institutions.
To establish, promote, setup, run, maintain, assist finance support and/or aid to or help in the setting up and/or maintaining Orphanages, widow homes, lunatic asylums, old age homes, poor houses, or other establishments for relief and/or help to the weaker sections including poor, children, women, old, infirm people, minorities and/or destitute for their upliftment and welfare.
To give, provide and/or render medicines and other help and/or assistance in any shape orr form to the poor, deserving, and needy persons.